CMP | Schools Implementing Improved Hygiene Practices | Sindh


LOP Target


Target Achieved

Boys Schools

Girls Schools

Mix Schools
Schools Implementing Improved Hygiene Practices | Overall Progress | Sindh
Schools Implementing Improved Hygiene Practices | Target and Achieved | Sindh   Chart Table
Year Target Achieved Achieved %
2015-16 302 349 116 %
2016-17 23 61 265 %
2017-18 0 5 0 %
Schools Implementing Improved Hygiene Practices | School Gender Wise | Sindh
Schools Implementing Improved Hygiene Practices | School Type Wise | Sindh
Schools Implementing Improved Hygiene Practices | District Wise | Sindh
ID District Tehsil UC Name of Village Name of School Prefix SEMIS Code Level Gender School Notified Urban/Rural Reported Year