SCDP | ICT Training of Out of School Children | Sindh


LOP Target


Target Achieved

Males Trained

Females Trained
ICT Training of Out of School Children | Overall Progress | Sindh
ICT Training of Out of School Children | Target and Achieved | Sindh   Chart Table
Year Target Achieved Achieved %
2013-14 0 0 0 %
2014-15 0 0 0 %
2015-16 598 598 100 %
2016-17 1718 1108 64 %
2017-18 0 447 0 %
ICT Training of Out of School Children | Gender Wise | Sindh
ICT Training of Out of School Children | Age Wise | Sindh
ICT Training of Out of School Children | District Wise | Sindh

Select Year :

ICT Training of Out of School Children | QUARTERLY PROGRESS | Sindh
Target & Achieved | Sindh
Gender Wise | Sindh
Age Wise | Sindh
ID Name Father Name Gender Age Class SEMIS code Venue District Title of training Training Date